I am big on "to do" lists. Now granted they may not always be written down in a nice neat manner but believe me, there is always a running list in my head. I seem to have it decided in my head that if I do not accomplish my list (or even half my list on some days) then I must have made a misstep some where along the way in my day. And to be honest I feel a bit let down, or dare I even say it, a failure as a mom.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not having a pity party over not getting ALL the laundry done in a day. And I know I am a good mom, but the feelings are real. And what I have realized is that the knowledge of these impending feelings will often dictate the choices I make in a day.
And when given the choice when driving down the road to either continue on and make it home in time to maybe knock a few more things off "the list", or to turn off the road at a sign marked state park and see what might be in store, what do I do?
Well, today I threw the list out the window. And for one beautiful afternoon I shared some glorious moments with my kids. Moments of laughter, of exploration and of peace.
I don't regret it at all, and I hope in the future I can loosen my grip on my lists, and change my ideal of what a mother looks like. Because a mother who takes the time to walk hand in hand in the woods, is the kind of mother I want to be.
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